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Kriyaban Members

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Rules to Practice - Suggested by great Guru Sri M
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Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga
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Spinal & Pranic Kriyas

Spinal & Pranic Kriyas

AGNI - Fire Kriya

AGNI - Fire Kriya

Kriyas for Love

Kriyas for Love


Practice on an empty stomach, 2 hours from eating at the very least.

Avoid energizing practices and pranayamas in the evening time such as kapalbhati, as they will disturb sleep. 


We recommend daily practice of Nadi Shuddhi Kriya to balance ida and pingala nadi, and gradually awaken sushumna as you perform Chakra awakening Kriya's for a safe, systematic awakening. 


The Awakening of Kundalini is as follows:

1. Discipline Ida & Pinagala Nadi

2. Awaken Chakras

3. Awaken Sushumna

4. Awaken Kundalini 


If you develop a daily practice, it is best to perform one Chakra Kriya a day, in order from Mooladhara to Sahasrara.

All members are recommended to attend live class if possible.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.


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